

Orenburg PM, LLC took part in the annual HSE forum for Sakhalin-1 contractors managed by Exxon Neftegas Limited


Orenburg PM, LLC concluded contract with Schlumberger Vostok, LLC


Orenburg PM, LLC was accredited by TomskNIPIneft, OJSC


Debut album by instrumental space‐rock band Human Factor, supported by Orenburg PM, LLC has been released


Orenburg PM, LLC made a decision to change the legal address and move the head office to Moscow


Orenburg PM, LLC declared as a winner of the tender arranged by Schlumberger Vostok, LLC for Cargo and passenger transportation


Field works started on the project “The Astrakhanovskoye Sea – Nekrasovsky”


Orenburg PM, LLC became a member of Self‐regulation organization Nonprofit partnership “Design‐Engineer


Orenburg PM, LLC declared as a winner of the tender arranged by Rosneft‐Shelf-Far East, CJSC


Meeting in Gazprom transgaz Yugorsk, LLC


Orenburg PM, LLC was accredited by Rosneft


Orenburg PM, LLC specialists took part in VI International Seminar on Standardization “Foreign Industry Standards”


Legal address of Orenburg Project Management, LLC changed


Orenburg PM, LLC successfully passed the qualification procedure of Giprogazcentr, OJSC for 2012


Orenburg PM, LLC was accredited by Rosneft‐Shelf-Far East, CJSC


Orenburg PM, LLC specialists took part in seminar “Main development trends of engineering geodetic survey for the years of 2012 – 2020”


Orenburg PM, LLC Khabarovsk Branch has changed its address


Orenburg Project Management, LLC concluded a contract with TOTAL EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION RUSSIE for services provision on the Kharyaga Field


Commendation to Nikolay Valuev


Compliance audit of our Company Quality Management System successfully passed

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